OderoPay Documentation

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In order to start OderoPay integration you need to obtain API keys. There are two environment types of API keys: live and testing keys. You can obtain these keys from their respective merchant dashboards. Dashboard URLs and API URLs for testing and live environments are also different.

It's recommended that you start integration in the testing environment before moving to live environment.

OderoPay Testing Environment

NOTE: Before starting coding the integration, the merchant must first register at the sandbox merchant dashboard and only then they can obtain required testing API keys.

Given that merchant passed registration process in the sandbox environment, merchant or developers can now obtain API Keys from the Profile section. Testing environment provides a system that simulates bank responses when making payments. In order to receive simulated bank responses developers must use test cards that are provided by OderoPay.

For more information on test cards: Developer Tools.

API keys obtained from the testing environment will not work in the live environment.

Sandbox API URL Sandbox dashboard URL
https://sandbox-api-gateway.oderopay.com.tr https://sandbox-merchant.oderopay.com.tr

OderoPay Live Environment

After developers have completed their integration in the testing environment, they can now switch to the live environment. Same as before, they can obtain API keys for the live environment from the Profile section of the live merchant dashboard.

Live API URL Live dashboard URL
https://api-gateway.odero.com.tr https://merchant.oderopay.com.tr
https://api-gateway.odero.az https://merchant.odero.az