Payment Search

You can search for successful or unsuccessful payments made earlier using the Odero API.


Information on the endpoint and HTTP method used for payment search is provided below:

HTTP Method URL URL Parameters
GET /payment-reporting/v1/payments See the URL parameters. URL Parameters for Payment Search

Payment Search Query Parameters

All parameters in the payment search request are optional. If any parameter is not sent, it is not considered in the search parameters. If at least one of the parameters directly indicating the payment, such as paymentIds, paymentTransactionIds, and conversationId, is filled, the minCreatedDate and maxCreatedDate parameters are not considered.

Parameter Name Type Required Description
page integer No The page number of the desired search results (Default: 0)
size integer No The number of results per page to be returned in the search results (Default: 10)
paymentIds long[] No Payment identifiers, separated by commas.
paymentTransactionIds long[] No Payment transaction IDs
subMerchantIds long[] No IDs of sub-merchants associated with the payment
itemExternalIds string[] No External IDs of payment items
paymentStatus PaymentStatus No (see Payment Statuses) Payment status
currency Currency No (see Currencies) Currency of the payment
binNumber string No First 6 digits of the card number on which the payment is stored
lastFourDigits string No Last 4 digits of the card number on which the payment is stored
connectorType ConnectorType No Connector type. For payments through TOKENGATE, this value will be TOKENGATE, for payments through TOKENPOS - TOKENPOS. see Gateway Payments
minPrice decimal No Minimum basket amount
maxPrice decimal No Maximum basket amount
maxPaidPrice decimal No Minimum total withheld amount
minPaidPrice decimal No Maximum total withheld amount
installment integer No Number of installments for payment. Possible values: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, and 12
conversationId string No Value of conversationId sent by the business participant in the payment request
isThreeDS boolean No Whether the payment was made with 3D Secure
minCreatedDate date No Minimum payment date. Not considered if at least one of the parameters paymentIds, paymentTransactionIds, or conversationId is true
maxCreatedDate date No Maximum payment date. Not considered if at least one of the parameters paymentIds, paymentTransactionIds, or conversationId is true

Refund Response Parameters

Parameters returned during the payment operation adhere to the rules specified in the Refund Formats section on the main API documentation page. If the system or organization does not detect errors, the response will be presented as an efficient multi-page response (see Multi-Result Operations). The fields included in the objects in the list items of the returned response are provided in the table below:

Parameter Name Type Required Description
id long Yes Payment ID
createdDate date Yes Date of payment creation
updatedDate date Yes Date of payment update
orderId string Yes Unique identifier created relative to the payment
price decimal Yes Total amount of the payment
paidPrice decimal Yes Total amount withheld
walletPrice decimal Yes Amount withheld from the wallet
paymentType PaymentType Yes See: Payment Types
currency Currency Yes See: Currencies
paymentStatus PaymentStatus Yes See: Payment Statuses
conversationId string No Value of conversationId sent by the business partner in the payment request
paymentCard PaymentCard Yes (see: Payment Card and Commission Information) Information about the card and commission associated with the payment
paymentRefunds PaymentRefund[] Yes (see: Information about payment refund) List of information about refunds associated with the payment
paymentTransactions PaymentTransaction[] Yes (see: Information about the payment section) Details of the sections contained in the payment

Payment Card and Commission Information

Sent along with all payments, including those fully deducted from the wallet.

Parameter Name Type Always Present Description
cardType CardType No (see: Card Types) Present in payments fully or partially deducted from the card. Represents the card type
cardAssociation CardAssociation No (see: Card Associations) Present in payments fully or partially deducted from the card. Shows the organization to which the card is linked
cardBrand string No Present in payments fully or partially deducted from the card. Corresponds to the value cardBrand in the card information in the payment request
cardHolderName string No Present in payments fully or partially deducted from the card. Displays the name and surname of the cardholder
binNumber string No Present in payments fully or partially deducted from the card. Displays the first 6 digits of the card number
lastFourDigits string No Present in payments fully or partially deducted from the card. Displays the last 4 digits of the card number
installment integer Yes Indicates the number of installments. Possible values: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12
isThreeDS boolean No Present in payments fully or partially deducted from the card. Indicates whether the payment was made using 3D Secure
mdStatus integer No (see: MD Status) Present in payments fully or partially deducted from the card and made using 3D Secure. Shows the status of 3D Secure confirmation
pfCommissionRateAmount decimal Yes Amount of commission charged by Odero as an intermediary for the payment
merchantCommissionRate decimal Yes Percentage of the commission applied by the business partner to the payment
merchantCommissionRateAmount decimal Yes Total amount of the commission charged by the business partner for the payment
error Error No (see: Error Information) Present in case of erroneous payments. Contains error information

Refund Information

Contains detailed information about fully refunded payments. The parameters included in this information are presented in the table below:

Parameter Name Type Always Present Description
id long Yes ID of the refund operation created by Odero
createdDate date Yes Date of the refund
refundStatus string Yes (see: Refund Statuses)
refundDestinationType RefundDestinationType Yes (see: Refund Types)
price decimal Yes Amount of the refunded payment
refundBankPrice decimal Yes Refunded to the card after the refund
refundWalletPrice decimal Yes Refunded to the wallet after the refund
conversationId string Yes Value of conversationId sent by the business in the refund request
paymentType PaymentType Yes (see: Payment Types) Type of deduction of the refunded payment
error Error No (see: Error Information) Present in case of unsuccessful refund. Contains error information


Payment Split Information

Contains information about the transmitted area data when requesting a payment, including the determination of the payment amount based on these areas and points for refunding money in connection with transfers and splitting.

>(see: Distribution of money in payment split) Contains data on amounts associated with sending money in payment splitting between the organization, child organization, and Odero >(see: Card and commission details in payment split) Contains information about the card and commission associated with the payment split >(see: Refund details in payment split) List of full or partial refund information associated with the payment area
Parameter Name Type Always Present Description
id long Yes ID of the payment area
createdDate date Yes Date of creation of the payment area
externalId string No External identifier associated with the payment area, sent in the payment request
transactionStatus TransactionStatus Yes (see: Money Sending Statuses) Value expressing the status of money sending associated with the area
transactionStatusDate date Yes Date of the last status change of the money sending associated with the area
price decimal Yes Amount of the payment area in the basket
paidPrice decimal Yes Share of the payment area amount withheld for the respective payment organization
walletPrice decimal Yes Share of the payment area amount withheld in the wallet for the respective organization
merchantPayoutAmount decimal Yes Share of the amount that will be sent to the organization in connection with the payment area
subMerchantId long No ID of the child organization associated with the payment area
subMerchantName string Yes Occurs if the payment area is associated with a child organization. Contains the name of the corresponding child organization
subMerchantPrice decimal Yes Share of the amount transferred from the payment area to the child organization associated with the area
subMerchantPayoutRate decimal Yes Ratio of the amount that will be sent to the organization in the area to the amount that will actually be sent
subMerchantPayoutAmount decimal Yes Expresses the amount that will be sent to the organization in connection with the payment
payout Payout Yes
paymentTransactionCard PaymentTransactionCard Yes
paymentTransactionRefunds PaymentTransactionRefund[] Yes

Card and Commission Information in Payment Split

Contains information about the card and commission associated with the payment split area.

Parameter Name Type Always Present Description
merchantCommissionRate decimal Yes Percentage of the commission applied to the payment by the participating organization
merchantCommissionRateAmount decimal Yes Share of the commission amount received from the payment, attributable to the payment split area
pfCommissionRateAmount decimal Yes Share of the commission amount received by Odero as a payment intermediary, attributable to the payment split area

Distribution of Money in Payment Split

Contains information about the distribution of funds in payments between the participating organization, child organization, and Odero.

The currency of distribution is always AZN, so there will be a difference in exchange rates for payments in other currencies. These differences are indicated in the pfConversionRate and pfConversionRateAmount fields.

Parameter Name Type Always Present Description
paidPrice decimal Yes Share of the total payment amount withheld for the respective payment split area
currency Currency Yes see: Currencies
merchantPayoutAmount decimal Yes Share of the amount that will be sent to the participating organization in the AZN currency, associated with the respective area
subMerchantPayoutAmount decimal Yes Share of the amount that will be sent to the child organization in the AZN currency, associated with the respective area
pfCommissionRateAmount decimal Yes Share of the amount that will be sent to Odero as a payment intermediary in the AZN currency, associated with the respective area
pfConversionRate decimal Yes Exchange rate difference when making payments in a currency other than AZN. In AZN payments, it is equal to 0
pfConversionRateAmount decimal Yes Exchange rate difference received by Odero when making payments in a currency other than AZN. In AZN payments, it is equal to 0

Refund Information in Payment Split

List of complete or partial information about the refund associated with the payment split area.

Parameter Name Type Always Present Description
id long Yes ID of the cancellation operation created by Odero
createdDate date Yes Refund date
refundStatus string Yes see: Refund Statuses
refundDestinationType RefundDestinationType Yes see: Refund Types
price decimal Yes Refund amount
refundBankPrice decimal Yes Refunded to the card after the refund
refundWalletPrice decimal Yes Refunded to the wallet after the refund
conversationId string Yes Value of conversationId sent by the participating organization in the refund request
paymentType PaymentType Yes see: Payment Types Type of deduction from the canceled payment
isAfterSettlement boolean Yes Determines whether the refund was made after the settlement of funds to the payment split area
error Error No see: Error Information Present if the cancellation was unsuccessful. Contains error information

Error Information

Contains data about error details obtained during the execution of a payment refund operation from the bank. The values of errorCode and errorGroup correspond to those specified on the Error Codes page.

Parameter Name Type Always Present Description
errorCode string Yes Value of errorCode set by Odero API for the corresponding error
errorGroup string Yes Error group
errorName string No Name of the error returned by the bank
errorMessage string No Error message returned by the bank