

With the OderoPay Marketplace solution, merchants can create and update their sub-merchants, specify money distribution to their sub-merchants, and allow settlements by giving their approval. Merchants must develop their marketplace model API integration with these 3 features in mind:

  1. Creating and updating sub-merchants
  2. Distribution of money during payment
  3. Approval and withdrawal of approval of the settlements

Creation of sub-merchant

In the OderoPay Marketplace solution, merchants must manage how the money is distributed for sub-merchants during payment processes. As the first step, sub-merchant must be created. Click here for relative documentation.

Merchants can view and perform detailed searches on the sub-merchants from the merchant panel.

Payment integration

After sub-merchants are created in OderoPay, OderoPay returns subMerchantId parameter and merchant must match this parameter with their own sub-merchant. This parameter is used when making settlements to sub-merchants.

Parameter Description
price Product price
subMerchantId Created subMerchant OderoPay ID
subMerchantPrice Money that'll go to the subMerchant for the product added to the cart

Let's say we have 3 products in our cart during checkout and the sub-merchant of each of those products is different.

Product #1:

Product price: 30 $
Sub-merchant ID: 1
Sub-merchant price: 27 $

Product #2:

Product price: 50 $
Sub-merchant ID: 2
Sub-merchant price: 42 $

Product #3:

Product price: 20 $
Sub-merchant ID: 3
Sub-merchant price: 18 $

We have 3 products from 3 different sub-merchants in our cart. Considering that the merchant works with different commissions for each sub-merchant, money distribution must be calculated according to the commission received from the sub-merchant for each of the products in the basket.

In the example above, sub-merchant sells the first product in the basket for 30 $, and the money that should be transferred to the sub-merchant's account after the payment is done is 27 TL.

Granting Approval

In the OderoPay Marketplace solution, merchant is expected to approve the settlement once the escrow is completed for each product in the basket. Money for products that are not yet approved will not be sent and will be kept in the pool account. Approval of approved products can be withdrawn if no money has been sent.