
To use a closed loop wallet, buyers must first be created in OderoPay. Buyers can be created, updated and their information can be retrieved using our Buyer APIs. After the buyer is created, the buyerId parameter is returned and the merchant must store this parameter on their side.

A buyer can perform the following actions:

  • Full refund to wallet
  • Partial refund to wallet
  • Refund any to be cancelled payment to wallet
  • Fully pay using wallet amount
  • Partially pay using wallet amount
  • List wallet transactions
  • Top up wallet
  • Refund top up amount from wallet

The buyerId parameter is used to perform all buyer transactions described above using OderoPay API.

Merchants can list the buyers they create in the merchant panel and query their wallet transactions. Buyers are merchant based, which means, they cannot be used by other merchants. This system is called a closed loop wallet.