Payment processing


Below is the information about the endpoint and http method used to receive the payment:

POST /payment/v1/card-payments

Request parameters for starting a payment

Parameter name Type Mandatory Description
conversationId string No A "boomerang" value that can be sent with a request and received with a response. It can be used to link different queries together. Usually, the order number associated with the payment is used from the member business
price decimal Yes Total payment amount. The sum of the product/service amounts in the cart must be equal to this amount.
paidPrice decimal Yes The total amount paid by the customer is calculated by including differences such as commissions and discounts. In the case of fully or partially collected payments from the wallet, the amount to be withdrawn from the wallet is also included in this amount.
walletPrice decimal No The amount to be charged from the wallet of the buyer specified in the buyerId parameter. It is mandatory to send in payments that will be deducted from the wallet in part or in full. It can be sent as 0 in case of full card payments or buyerId. (Default: 0)
installment integer Yes The number of payments from which payment will be taken. It can be sent as "1" for a single payment. Possible values: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 12.
buyerId long No The payee ID to which the payment is associated. This refers to the ID value in OderoPay's systems, not the ID value in the member business's own systems.
currency Currency Yes see : Currency Currency in which payment will be made.
paymentGroup PaymentGroup Yes see : Payment groups
paymentPhase PaymentPhase No see: Payment phases
card Card No (see Card Information) Information about the card used for payment. If the payment is fully covered by wallet funds (i.e., paidPrice and walletPrice are equal), this field is optional.
posAlias string No Used for TOKENGATE payments. If this field is filled, the payment will be processed through the specified POS (see: Payment Gateway).
items PaymentItem[] Yes (see: Information about Payment Distribution) Information about the distribution of payments. At least one part must be sent, and the sum of the sent parts must be equal to the value in the price field.

Card Information

Required for full or partial payment by card. This can include Prepaid, Credit, or Debit cards, as well as payment with a previously saved card.

If the cardUserKey field in the submitted card data is filled, then the fields in the section Information about the saved card are valid. Otherwise, see: Information about Debit, Credit, or Prepaid card.

Information about Debit, Credit, or Prepaid Card

Parameter name Type Mandatory Description
cardHolderName string Yes Cardholder's Name/Surname
cardNumber string Yes Card Number
expireYear string Yes Year of Card Expiry
expireMonth string Yes Month of Card Expiry
cvc string Yes Card Verification Code
storeCardAfterSuccessPayment boolean No If the payment is successful, save the card (Default: false)
cardAlias string No Name to be assigned to the card if the card is saved after a successful payment

Information about the Saved Card

Parameter name Type Mandatory Description
cardUserKey string Yes Key of the saved card
cardToken string Yes Token of the saved card

Payment distribution information

All payments must be submitted in one or more splits. The sum of the price fields of the submitted splits must be equal to the value in the payment price field.

Parameter name Type Mandatory Description
name string Yes Name of the product or service to which the payment relates
price decimal Yes Amount in the basket for the corresponding item or service
externalId string No Value of the external identifier representing the corresponding product or service. Typically, the identifier value in this section is used in the merchant's business system.
subMerchantId long No Identifier of the sub-merchant providing the product or service.
subMerchantPrice decimal No Amount that will be allocated from the payment to the sub-merchant. Must be submitted if the subMerchantId field is filled.

Response parameters

The parameters returned as a result of the payment transaction process also adhere to the rules specified in the [Return Formats](/api#output-formats) section on the main page of the API documentation. In the absence of a systematic or structural error, the sub-parameters of the object returned in the data parameter are as follows:

Parameter name Type Always Present Description
conversationId string No The value of conversationId sent by the merchant as part of the payment request.
id long Yes Payment ID
createdDate date Yes Date of payment
price decimal Yes Total amount of the payment in the basket
paidPrice decimal Yes Total amount of the fee paid by the customer. In the case of full or partial payment deducted from the wallet, this amount also includes the amount to be withdrawn from the wallet.
walletPrice decimal Yes Amount withdrawn from the wallet
currency string Yes Payment currency
buyerId long No Value indicating the identifier of the corresponding participant in payments associated with the receiving participant.
installment integer Yes Number of installments by which the payment will be received. Possible values: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, and 12.
paymentType PaymentType Yes see Payment Types
paymentGroup PaymentGroup Yes see Payment Groups
paymentStatus PaymentStatus Yes see Payment Statuses
paymentPhase PaymentPhase Yes see Payment Phases
isThreeDS boolean Yes Indicates whether the payment was made using 3D Secure
merchantCommissionRate decimal Yes The commission rate applied to the merchant's payment
merchantCommissionRateAmount decimal The commission rate applied to the merchant's payment. Yes
merchantCommissionRate decimal Yes The commission rate applied to the merchant's payment.
merchantCommissionRateAmount decimal Yes Total amount of commission received from the merchant's payment. It is equal to the difference between paidPrice and price.
pfCommissionRateAmount decimal Yes Size of the commission received from the payment by Odero as a payment intermediary.
cardUserKey string No During the request, for the storeCardAfterSuccessPayment field in the card information, the value is set to true for submitted payments. Represents the saved key of the registered card after successful payment.
cardToken string No During the request, the storeCardAfterSuccessPayment field in the card information has a value of true for submitted payments. Indicates the saved code of the card registered after successful payment.
paidWithStoredCard boolean Yes Indicates whether the payment is made with a stored card.
binNumber string No Occurs when paying with a card in full or in part. Indicates the first 6 digits of the card number.
lastFourDigits string No Occurs when paying with a card in full or in part. Indicates the last 4 digits of the card number.
cardType CardType No (see Card Types) Occurs when paying with a card in full or in part. Indicates the type of card.
cardAssociation CardAssociation No (see: Card Associations) Occurs when paying with a card in full or in part. Indicates the card organization that issued the card.
cardBrand string Yes Occurs when paying with a card in full or in part. It has the same value as cardBrand in the card details in the payment request.
paymentTransactions PaymentTransaction[] Yes See: Output data of payment distribution

The information about the refund of payment distribution.

It includes information about the breakdown of payments, prices, and money transfers based on the payment breakdown submitted when making a payment request.

Parameter name Type Always present Description
id long Yes Payment ID
externalId string No Value of the external identifier associated with the payment split, sent in the payment request.
name string Yes Name of the product or service referenced by the payment split sent in the payment request.
transactionStatus TransactionStatus Yes See: Statuses of money transfers) Value indicating the transfer status for the distribution.
price decimal Yes Total amount of the payment in the basket.
paidPrice decimal Yes Total amount paid by the customer. In the case of full or partial payment from the wallet, this amount also includes the amount eligible for withdrawal from the wallet.
walletPrice decimal Yes Amount deducted from the wallet
merchantCommissionRate decimal Yes Commission rate applied to the merchant's payment
merchantCommissionRateAmount decimal Yes Total amount of commission received from the merchant's payment. It is equal to the difference between paidPrice and price
pfCommissionRateAmount decimal Yes Amount of commission received by TokenPay as a payment intermediary
merchantPayoutAmount decimal Yes Portion of money to be sent to the merchant in connection with the payout, according to the respective distribution.
subMerchantId long No Identifier of the sub-merchant associated with the payment split
subMerchantName string Yes Fee splitting occurs when a sub-merchant is associated with a business. Contains the name of the corresponding participating company.
subMerchantPrice decimal Yes Fee splitting occurs when a sub-merchant is associated with a business. This is the share of the total amount to be transferred to the sub-participant business according to the respective distribution.
subMerchantPayoutRate decimal Yes Fee splitting occurs when a sub-merchant is associated with a business. This is the ratio of money to be sent to the sub-merchant to the money to be sent to the merchant.
subMerchantPayoutAmount decimal Yes Fee splitting occurs when a sub-merchant is associated with a business. Represents the amount that will be sent to the sub-merchant.
blockageResolvedDate date Yes Date of resolution of the blocking period required for sending money.
payout Payout Yes (see Distribution of pay remittance distribution) This includes the distribution of amounts of money transfers between merchants, sub-merchants, and Odero in connection with payment splitting.

Payment Distribution Money Transfer Distribution.

This involves the distribution of the share of the payment transfer among merchants, sub-merchants, and Odero.

The payout currency is always AZN, so there will be an exchange rate difference for payments in other currencies. These differences are specified in the pfConversionRate and pfConversionRateAmount fields.

Parameter name Type Always present Description
paidPrice decimal Yes Share of the total amount withheld for payout according to the respective distribution.
currency Currency Yes Payout Currency
merchantPayoutAmount decimal Yes Share of the money value in AZN currency that will be sent to the merchant in connection with the payout, according to the respective distribution.
subMerchantPayoutAmount decimal Yes Share of the money value in AZN currency that will be sent to the sub-merchant in connection with the payout, according to the respective distribution.
pfCommissionRateAmount decimal Yes Share of the money value in AZN currency that will be sent to Odero in connection with the payout, according to the respective distribution.
pfConversionRate decimal Yes Exchange rate difference that Odero is based on for money transfers made in a currency other than AZN. For AZN, it is 0 in payments.
pfConversionRateAmount decimal Yes Exchange rate difference earned by Odero for money transfers made in currencies other than AZN. For AZN, it is 0 in payments.