Confirmation of Payment Distribution


Below is information about the endpoint and HTTP method used to confirm the payment distribution:

POST /payment/v1/payment-transactions/approve

Request Parameters

The parameters expected to be sent in requests for confirming payment distribution are listed in the table and subheadings below.

Parameter Name Type Required Description
paymentTransactionIds number[] Yes Contains the values of the identifiers of payment subdivisions requiring approval.
isTransactional boolean No If this value is true, the payment distribution is not approved during the confirmation operation if any payment distribution is not approved for procedural reasons. If this value is false, checked payment distributions are approved, and those that are not approved remain unchecked.

Returned Parameters

Parameters returned as a result of the payment transaction process also adhere to the rules specified in the Refund Formats section on the main API documentation page. In the absence of systematic or structural errors, the subparameters of the object returned in the data parameter are as follows:

Parameter Name Type Required Description
size number Yes Number of payment distributions affected by the approval operation.
items PaymentTransactionApproval[] Yes Contains an object carrying information about the approval transaction. See: Payment Distribution Approval Information
paymentTransactions PaymentTransaction[] Yes See: Approved Payment Distribution Information

Information on Payment Distribution Approval

Payment distribution is an object that contains information about the transaction and payment distribution performed within the object returned during confirmation and withdrawal requests.

Parameter Name Type Required Description
paymentTransactionId long Yes ID of the divided payment
approvalStatus string Yes Displays the value SUCCESS if the result of the divided payment was successful and FAILURE if unsuccessful
failedReason string Yes Displays information about the error details in case of approval error or cancellation of approval of the divided payment

Cancellation of Approval for Payment Distribution


Below is information about the endpoint and HTTP method used to cancel the approval of payment distribution:

POST /payment/v1/payment-transactions/disapprove

Request Parameters

The parameters expected to be sent in requests to revoke the confirmation of payment distribution are listed below the table and subheadings.

Parameter Name Type Required Description
paymentTransactionIds number[] Yes It contains the values of the identifiers of payment distributions that want to revoke previously issued confirmation.
isTransactional boolean No If this value is true, no confirmations of payment distribution are revoked unless any payment distribution is canceled for procedural reasons during the confirmation operation. If this value is false, the approval of revocable payment distribution is canceled, and those unapproved remain unapproved.

Response Parameters

The parameters returned as a result of the payment process also adhere to the rules outlined in the Return Formats section on the main API documentation page. In the absence of systematic or structural errors, the subparameters of the object returned in the data parameter are as follows:

Parameter Name Type Required Description
size number Yes The number of payment distributions affected by the verification operation.
items PaymentTransactionApproval[] Yes See the object containing information about the confirmation process: Payment Distribution Approval Data.
paymentTransactions PaymentTransaction[] Yes See: Details of Payment Distribution Approval.

Information on Payment Distribution Approval

Payment distribution is an object that contains information about the transaction and payment distribution performed within the object returned during confirmation and withdrawal requests.

Parameter Name Type Required Description
paymentTransactionId long Yes Payment distribution ID
approvalStatus string Yes Displays the value SUCCESS if the result of the payment distribution was successful and FAILURE if unsuccessful
failedReason string Yes Displays information about the error details in case of approval failure or cancellation of payment distribution approval

Update Payment Distribution

In case of the need to change the seller or change the seller's price (business unit) in payments for goods, you can update the business unit and/or the business unit price. To use this service, you must be a sales platform and have a product type with payment.

Important Points

  • This service can only be used by sales platforms.
  • This service can only be used for successful payments.
  • Payment group can be updated with payment distributions that are products.
  • The service is unavailable when the payment distribution submission status is PAYOUT_STARTED (sent) or PAYOUT_COMPLETED (sent).
  • During the use of the service, at least one of the business unit prices or the business unit price must change.
  • Payment and payment distribution must not have been canceled/returned previously.
  • For payment distribution, you can make as many updates as you need.
  • The business unit price must not exceed the payment distribution price.
  • The status of the payment email address must be in a pending approval state.


Update Payment Distribution

Information on the endpoint and HTTP method used to update payment distribution is provided below:

HTTP Method URL URL Parameters
PUT /payment/v1/payment-transactions/:id id: Value of the payment distribution ID

Request Parameters

For canceling the confirmation of payment distribution, the following parameters are expected in the requests, structured in the table and subtitles below:

Parameter Name Type Required Description
subMerchantId number Yes Business unit ID
subMerchantPrice decimal Yes Business unit price

Return Parameters

As a result of the payment distribution update process, the returned parameters adhere to the rules specified in the Return Formats section on the main API documentation page. In the absence of systematic or structural errors, the parameters of the returned object in the data parameter are as follows:

Parameter Name Type Always Present Description
id long Yes Payment distribution ID
name string No Name associated with the payment distribution sent in the payment request
externalId string No External identifier associated with the payment distribution sent in the payment request
transactionStatus TransactionStatus Yes (see Statuses of sending money) Value indicating the status of sending money in relation to distribution
price decimal Yes Amount of distribution in the payment basket
paidPrice decimal Yes Amount withheld for payment, related to the distribution
walletPrice decimal Yes Amount withheld from the wallet for payment, related to the distribution
merchantPayoutAmount decimal Yes Amount intended to be sent to the business associated with the distribution
subMerchantId long No ID of the business associated with the payment distribution
subMerchantPrice decimal Yes Present if the distribution is associated with a business. This is the share of the amount that will be transferred to the business from the amount of the payment associated with the distribution
subMerchantPayoutRate decimal Yes Percentage associated with the business if the distribution is associated with the business. This is the ratio of the amount intended to be sent to the business to the amount intended to be sent to the business
subMerchantPayoutAmount decimal Yes Present if the distribution is associated with a business. This represents the amount intended to be sent to the business in connection with the payment
payout Payout Yes (see Payment Distribution Payout Sharing) Includes here the distribution of amounts of money associated with the distribution between the business associated with the distribution, the sub-business, and Odero